Oliver Roick


I'm a geographer who writes code. Previously, I have built software to document and report on land rights, to support community and participatory mapping, and to analyse and visualise crowd-sourced geographic information.

Portait of Oliver Roick


What I'm up to, as of 31 August 2024:

  • Based in Melbourne, Australia.
  • Work at Development Seed, helping scientists find whales in satellite images and visualising global food distribution networks.
  • Learning to make better photographs.

Keep in touch

To keep updated with my work, follow me on GitHub, where almost all of my code lives, or subscribe to this site with Atom or RSS.

The best way to get in touch is via email: hi@oliverroick.net


The website is built with Jekyll and not much else. The font is Inclusive Sans by Olivia King.


I wrote and published papers on community mapping and volunteered geographic information.