I’m a geographer who writes code. Previously, I have built software to document and report on land rights, to support community and participatory mapping, and to analyse and visualise crowd-sourced geographic information. I now work at Development Seed.
I live and work in Melbourne, Australia.
To keep updated with my work, follow me on GitHub, where almost all of my code lives, or subscribe to this site with Atom or RSS.
The best way to get in touch is via email: hi@oliverroick.net
I’m actively maintaining:
- Leaflet.Deflate is a small library to improve the readability of feature-heavy large-scale LeafletJS maps.
- netlify-plugin-html-validate is a Netlify plugin for post-build HTML validation.
Older projects I stopped supporting, either because I changed jobs or because I found the projects were no longer useful, include:
- Cadasta Platform was a web portal to document land and property rights.
- GeoKey is a platform for participatory mapping that enables citizens to collect, share, and discuss local knowledge on the Web.
- OpenRouteService is an online route-planning application based on OpenStreetMap. I helped build an earlier version of its front-end.
- OSMatrix was a tool for visual exploration of OpenStreetMap mapping progress and quality metrics.
- django-skivvy helps you write faster integration tests for Django views with less code.
I wrote and published papers on community mapping and volunteered geographic information.
- GeoKey – open infrastructure for community mapping and science. Human Computation 3(1) doi: 10.15346/hc.v3i1.8 (2016):
- Location Based Social Networks – Definition, Current State of the Art and Research Agenda. Transactions in GIS 17(5) doi: 10.1111/tgis.12032 (2013):
- OSMatrix — Grid based analysis and visualization of OpenStreetMap. State of the Map EU. Wien, July 2011. (2011):
- Volunteered Geographic Information - Datenqualität und Nutzungspotentiale am Beispiel von OpenStreetMap. Kommission “Angewandte Kartographie - Geovisualisierung” der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kartographie (DGfK) - Symposium Königslutter 2011. (2011):
- (2008): Using Open Standards for Browser-based Integration and Visualization of Geo-Spatial Data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10(EGU2008-A-07829).